2019年3月29日 星期五

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Your Blogtrottr account has been suspended
Your Blogtrottr account has been suspended due to a violation of our terms of service.

What is autoblogging and why don't we like it?

Autoblogging is the practice of automatically posting content (usually copied without permission from other sites) to blogs or websites. Here are a selection of well written articles explaining why this is a bad thing.

Due to numerous complaints from content owners about their work being republished, any user accounts detected using Blogtrottr for this purpose will be automatically suspended.

There are many services and software packages out there dedicated to autoblogging, if you still really feel that you must do this, please go and use one of them instead.
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健康频道: 利用科技促进环保 SteriMed提出医疗垃圾管理解决方案

利用科技促进环保 SteriMed提出医疗垃圾管理解决方案
Mar 29th 2019, 00:00, by 人民网







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健康频道: 维生素K也是补钙好帮手

Mar 29th 2019, 00:00, by 崔玉艳

  受访专家:东南大学附属中大医院内分泌科营养师 陆青松





  值得注意的是,充分吸收维生素K需要油脂。因此,食用绿叶蔬菜时尽量不要选择生吃,用清炒或焯水后用油凉拌的方式更有助于吸收。此外,过多摄入维生素K也会出现问题,比如孕妇可能会产生溶血性贫血,且其新生儿会出现高胆红素血症等;可诱发特异性体质的老人溶血性贫血、过敏性皮炎等。(特约记者 崔玉艳)

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