Under 18s can no longer buy tobacco in Belgium Apr 25th 2019, 15:08, by info@bxlconnect.com (TBT News) N-VA's bill to ban the sale of tobacco to all minors was passed unanimously by the House on Thursday — except Open VLD who abstained. Until now, the sale of tobacco was only prohibited for minors under sixteen. This proposal came as a surprise considering that the text had been rejected by the Health Committee. Theoretically, Thursday's plenary was to rule on the committee's report on the vote. But this report had in turn been rejected on Thursday. Traditionally, a proposal that is rejected at a plenary session must be reviewed by the committee. However, no other committee meetings were scheduled on the House agenda. Referring to regulations, CDH Group Head Catherine Fonck stressed that the bill could also be examined directly in a plenary. There was no further discussion on the Proposal, and it was then passed directly.
The Brussels Times |